Individual Psychotherapy

In my practice I see individuals and couples. I occasionally see families and I co-lead a weekly therapy group. I prefer to use the term 'psychotherapy' over 'counselling', because it connotes a deeper dive into psyche and childhood wounds, that still effect how we protect ourselves today.
My therapeutic stance is that we are all completely wonderful beings, but then life happened, and sometimes we experience adverse circumstances which make us feel unsafe. Internal Family Systems (IFS) helps us rediscover our unbroken Self and befriend our protective parts as well as heal our wounds. We are all multiple. When we realize this, we can find a lot more inner freedom, because then the protective parts can recognize that there is a beautiful spirit in us that they can learn to trust.
IFS is evidence-based therapy, that brings faster changes than talk therapy. It is an introspective, somatic process, where one feels into the symptom and where it is located in the body.
IFS is effective for every symptom, from anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addictions, chronic pain and systemic illnesses such as Multiple Sclerosis, and auto-immune diseases. This is because symptoms most often come from parts that are trying to get through to us in a physical way. They really long to be heard by us, rather than resented. If we can understand why parts of us are doing what they are doing, and that they have good intentions, then they can learn to relax and trust our Self, which is never broken.
I encourage you to try a session, both if you are really suffering with overthinking and not feeling safe, and feeling deeply unworthy inside, or if you are on a spiritual journey of Self discovery. It has brought much deeper understanding and love to so many of my clients.
Recommended Reading
Richard Schwartz (2022). No Bad Parts. New York: Sounds True
Jay Earley (2009). Self-Therapy. Lakespur: Pattern Systems Books.