I was asking the Gaian Tarot deck how to connect more deeply to my divine being, and to divine guidance, and I picked Three of Air. It’s a picture of a man writing in a journal, with lots of books behind him, as well as an hour glass. Right! Writing! That has come up in my recent Astrology and Gene Keys reading, where writing came up as a way to creatively express myself and step into Leadership. Thank you, Universe, to give me that message again! 

I have been on the spiritual path since I was 17, which is 40 years now! I know a thing or two about being in various spiritual communities, my restlessness about seeking the right path for me when the one I am on feels no longer aligned. I have found certainly and clarity around my gifts and trust in my intuition. From being a more rigid Buddhist, that looked down on everyone else, I have become an open vessel to be able to guide me and not be so wilful. I have embraced psychedelics, connecting with the consciousness of the Earth, the Universe and the plants and animals, being open to guides, looking at my shadow, getting to know parts of me, residing more in my divine essence, being a practitioner who can handle and digest the suffering of others. 

Hence, I am growing into the role of being a mentor, and spiritual guide to others, who are starting out on a path of inner discovery. Through my Internal Family Systems training, I know how to hold the parts of you who cling to protection and who need to know that you are safe, good and divine at your core. Then you can start trusting yourself to be capable and loving. With my guidance, you can let yourself shine. I can teach you to meditate, to connect to the loving power of the universe, and deal with the confusion and doubt that you surely are going to meet on the way. 

You may still feel that you are not good enough due to developmental and sudden trauma, so we can be with those parts of you, and unblend from them, so that you can feel your true Self, which is magnificent. We need to really focus of our feelings of unworthiness, which is a lie that we were told and started believing. Then we can start focusing on how deserving we are, and live life fully in our light. This will also transform your relationships. 

So you feel drawn to working with me because have a sense that they are not broken, but that they are occasionally swimming in the soup of suffering, not knowing how to get out. You trust that there is more to life than the material world, and yearn to connect to spirit and consciousness. 

I offer individual therapy and couples therapy where you can use your insurance for counselling. I am also excited to soon launch a group for souls who feel called to work with me as a mentor on the spiritual path. This will not be claimable on insurance, but affordable for your budget. You are welcome to be a client and a group member. I will announce more information about the group soon. If you already feel drawn to it, please contact me at maya@mayasloan.ca. 

If you feel called, I look forward to meeting your shining soul! 


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